Okay, after I think about it, there must be a way to identify a unique user,
even if they are behind a firewall. Let's run through this process:

1) Person behind the firewall sends out a request to a web server.
2) The firewall intercepts that request, masks the person's IP address and
lets the request keep going out.
3) The web server receives the request and sends back packets of data to the
IP of the user, which is really the IP of the firewall now.
4) The firewall receives the packets of data first, but now must send those
data packets to someone inside the firewall. 
5) The packets of data MUST have some unique identifier to let the firewall
know who requested the data in the first place. 

Now, I'm assuming that Apache has full access to these incoming packets.
Therefore, they must also have access to this invisible identifier. Is it
possible to extract that identifier somehow by tinkering with Apache?


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