I have a large asset-management system that is web-based. In the past I have
always used cgi and perl. I need to rewrite it so that it works with
mod-perl or PerlEx....
Anyway, I used to tie my site together with a main, and a ton of requires
(which required pages of subroutines). I would use a hidden variable to do
the navigation. So each time the user hit something, I directed them back to
the main and used a hidden variable to go spawn a different subroutine. So
it was basically a nested application. The site got large (a lot of perl
code, over 20,000 lines), and it got slow because each user ended up
recompiling the code for each submit.

Lately as I am thinking about rebuilding the site, but not using a nested
config, but just offering each page to be its own perl file. So when the
user submits for a search, I just point them at the search.pl file. Sounds
simple enough, but I work alone, and do not know how the world builds large
sites. I was hoping to hear some simple input from people who have
architected good, sound sites, and was hoping for some good feedback, or
some old sample code that I can study and find out how the other half live.

I hope this is not asking too much, Any input would be most helpful.


Scott Purcell

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