At 06:10 PM 7/7/01, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > if i'm not mistaken, Apache::ePerl builds a new
> > interpreter, which also seems like overkill for many
> > needs.
>It's pretty easy to install, really.  However, it's not very popular 
>days because it doesn't have all the features people end up needing.

We use ePerl for a fair number of things, and I have yet to run into 
something we needed of which it was not capable.   What are you 
thinking of?

I'm not trying to start a holy war - embperl is darn nifty, and I 
haven't used any of the other packages enough to have a solid opinion 
of them.   Right tool for the job, use what's comfortable, blah blah 

ePerl is butt-simple to install, and a snap to learn ("put your perl in 
<? here !>").   We've been using it for ~4 years (I think), and have 
never seen a problem with it.  IIRC, according to the various 
benchmarks that bounce around periodically, it's not as fast as some of 
the other packages, but that's never been an issue for us.

Just asking.


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