hi, i'm sure many of us have had situations like this,
but that doesn't mean that everyone who wants to do
some templating is going to fall into the same trap
every time.

to clarify what i mean by 'simple':
- trivial to install and to use
- small disk footprint
  < 10 modules total. preferably 1
- small memory footprint
  this is usually the first bottleneck i see with
  mod_perl. i don't know how big these others
  systems get, but with the high numbers of modules...
- fast, with little overhead to begin with.
  just because they're mod_perl, does not mean they're
  fast enough.
- very basic non-syntax
  it's either code or it's not. no added tags, etc.
- extensibility via sub-classing.

i really think these criteria are reasonable, and that
there should be such a minimal approach available.
(i just did some quick tests against Embperl, and my
memory and speed concerns are justified.)

most projects may still be better off using Embperl,
Mason, ASP, TT from the beginning. But all should not
be forced to just because others had bad experiences
when they started out with a basic templating scheme.

i am still waiting for some direct positive feedback,
though. :)


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