On Monday 09 July 2001 20:19, Gerald Richter wrote:
> > to clarify what i mean by 'simple':
> > - trivial to install and to use
> That's important

Tough some are easy to use and hard to install :) The latter is less 
important imho, when a module is hard to install it's usually justified 
somehow, and most of the time the community revolving around it will be 
prepared to help.

> > - small disk footprint
> >   < 10 modules total. preferably 1
> disks are cheap, so it doesn't matter if you take one or two MB

To go further, I certainly wouldn't mind an app taking 500mb if it does 
everything I want it to do fast and well.

> > - small memory footprint
> >   this is usually the first bottleneck i see with
> >   mod_perl. i don't know how big these others
> >   systems get, but with the high numbers of modules...
> As soon as you start to precompile the Perl code inside your template, your
> memory footprint will increase and will be much more than what your module
> takes. If you don't precompile the Perl code you will never get a good
> performance for bigger pages.

Which is why imho for anything non-trivial things must be pre-compiled, and 
after that one can start discussing the ways in which different modules can 
unload some templates to save some memory, or do various things to increase 
their caching. <dream>It would be great if this was handled consistently 
accross all templating systems so that improvements there would benefit 
everyone. It doesn't seem impossible given that all that's stored is some 
Perl code and perhaps some metadata.</dream>

> > - extensibility via sub-classing.
> This makes sense, but Perl methods are not the fasted solution, so you may
> decide, do you want a good design are a fast one...

extensibility yes, but sub-classing is only one way to do that, and not 
always the best.

> ...but I know that's useless to say, mostly everybody has to write his own
> templating solution...

Until you've written your own you can't understand just how hard it is. I'm 
slow so I had to write three half-baked ones before I got it, and I'm very 
glad I didn't release them... There are times when "release often" doesn't 
apply all that well :)

> P.S. I guess we would have much better ones, if we don't have hundreds of
> them all doing nearly the same !

Agreed, but that probably won't happen...

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- CTO
k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency www.knowscape.com
Change is inevitable except from a vending machine.

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