At 03:44 PM 7/15/2001 +0100, Matt Sergeant wrote:
>Looks like Camelot, the organisers of ApacheCon (and other conferences,
>such as XML Dev Con - a conference I've spoken at a number of times), are
>going out of business. Those of you who know the employees at Camelot will

Odd, I got the letter for ApacheCon speakers talking about payment to 
speakers which I would think you got as well.

>know they always went out of their way to help the speakers at various
>conferences, and I would venture to say they were one of the better
>organised conferences I've attended. Sad to see them go.

I too am sad. I did not know the conference producers well, but I 
personally thought the plane + hotel + conference fee paid to all speakers 
EVEN 1 HOUR talk speakers was really generous. I can usually understand 
paying those things for tutorial speakers, but giving all that for 1 hour 
talk speakers was amazingly generous though.

But I guess too generous. Anyway, lately conference attendence is down, so 
naturally vendors don't want to spend a lot of money on advertising at a 
conference, so naturally there's less money to pay for speakers, so 
naturally less people want to attend with less speakers, etc....

I hope the downward trend doesn't continue with other good conferences. :(

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