> i am tasked with the job of integrating "Ultimate Bulletin Board" (or 
> "UBB", from http://www.infopop.com) into a client's site.  they have an 

I'm sorry.   We were running the UBB for a while and have had a few

> 1. the quality of [perl] code in UBB is so phenomenally bad i can't 
> believe people pay money for it.  i can't believe it works (but it 
> does).  has anyone else ever "experienced" it?  i guess i need a support 
> group... it makes me cry and cuts me to the bone when i think that there 
> are actually people out there who think that code like this is good.  oh 
> my god. it should be drop-kicked off the planet.

Good lord are you right.   You'd think that after all the revisions
they've had of this software so far, somebody might have found a tab key
or something.   Also, note that it technically doesn't always work.   The
big thing you should watch out for is if one forum gets too many threads
(usually when one of ours would reach around the 3000 mark), the software
will just die.   It'll completely lock up and use almost all the CPU until
you go in and kill the apache processes.   This was on a pretty fast
machine in the meantime...

> 2. any problems with it under mod_perl?  I have it running fine under 
> PerlRun but I am not so sure it'll behave under Registry.

I believe we ran it under PerlRun as well, but Registry I remember having
some issues with.   I'm sure that it can be tweaked to run under Registry,
but as you said, the code is so horrific that after a couple of hours of
pouring over that madness, I decided that I preferred jamming nails into
my forehead as opposed to trying to get it to work right.   This was an
old version, btw, about 1 year old from now, so maybe things are better.


BTW, we ended up shifting over to vBulletin (PHP) and that's been behaving
well, though the conversion to Slashcode is underway...

Brian Nilsen

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