I think I might have this figured out.

in my combobox, I had the following:

<select name="cmbProgramKey" id="cmbProgramKey"
        <option value=""> ( None Selected ) </option>
        [$ while( $rProgramArray ) $]
                <option value="[+ $$rProgramArray[0] +]">[+
$$rProgramArray[1] +]</option>
                [- $rProgramArray = $sthProgram->fetchrow_arrayref(); -]
        [$ endwhile $]

Now when I remove the first option value: <option value=""> ( None Selected
) </option>
and end up with 

<select name="cmbProgramKey" id="cmbProgramKey"
        [$ while( $rProgramArray ) $]
                <option value="[+ $$rProgramArray[0] +]">[+
$$rProgramArray[1] +]</option>
                [- $rProgramArray = $sthProgram->fetchrow_arrayref(); -]
        [$ endwhile $]

things seem to work.

Now the question is why?  

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyd, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:21 AM
To: 'Jeremy Howard'; Boyd, David; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Looking for answers using mod_perl and windows nt.

lets see if I can clearify my statement.  
first I am new to mod_perl.

Now, my form is using post.  I am using some debug messages
that will output, in html format, the contents of $fdat.  So,
when I select next page, after making a selection from the combo
box, i expected to see something like the following:

fdat{cmbClientKey} = <something>

I do not get this unless I have the items I posted in the previous

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:18 AM
To: Boyd, David; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Looking for answers using mod_perl and windows nt.

Boyd, David wrote:
> I am using Windows NT, running apache with mod_perl.
> The problem that I am having is that I am dynamiclly filling in the
> of a select box from a
> database.  now when a user selects a value, I expect that value to be on
> URL, but it is not.  I
> am currently saving the selected value to a hidden field, which does show
> on the URL.  Anyone
> know the reason why.
I'm not sure I understand your question, David. If you're saying that you
would expect the result of pressing a submit button in a form to be that
request is sent like 'http://some.host/file.pl?combo=value', then you need
to ensure that the form in your HTML is set to GET rather than POST style
encoding. But that's not really a mod_perl issue...

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