Please forgive the broadcast nature of this message, but I have a

Our nation is strong. Our economy is strong.
Both of these things were targeted by the attacks on the World Trade
Center one week ago.

Yesterday, Monday, Spetember 17th, 2001, as the stock market reopened,
trading was weak as people worried over what might be about to happen.
That weakens our economy, and weakens our nation, and fosters more
uncertainty in a downward spiral.

My suggestion is this -- conduct your business as usual, as much as
possible, to rebuff the effect of terror; and buy at least one share of
any relevant stock to show your personal support, and do that tiny bit
to shore up the economy. Even if it's only one share of a two-dollar
stock, make the token effort.

Buying flags is good; wearing ribbons builds morale. But put a few
dollars where it will prop up our nation's ability to suport itself and
it's citizens. Donate to charities for the immediate good of those
grieving and dispossessed, but buy and keep at least a share of any
stock as a contribution to our *overall* economy, a confirmation of our
belief in the system we profess. The economy is the fuel that keeps the
country strong. Excess conservativism cripples it.  The dark ages were
largely caused by people hoarding their gold; the renaissance by the
openness of trade and ideas. Let's keep our trade and ideas open.

Buy some stock, and frame the statement as a red ribbon for your house.
Don't let terror attacks on our economy succeed.

And though I despise spams and chain letters, feel free to pass this
along if you think it's worthy.


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