
We're running a cobalt raq4 and have some problems with the apache 
configuration. the configuration over the web-interface works all fine, but 
when i add some lines in the httpd.conf for the mod_perl-things (p.ex. 
"PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload" & "PerlModule Apache::Registry") and some 
handlers of myself, a restart succeeds, but with the message:

mod_perl: </VirtualHost>
mod_perl: Missing </VirtualHost> directive at end-of-file
chiliasp: module started, version

and the cobalt-web-interface for server administration isn't available over 
the ../admin/ adress, which should be rewritten by a rule written in some 
$PerlConfig-Variable which is filled in a <Perl> </Perl> - part of the 
httpd.conf ....

do you have any hints? i don't know this server really good, but it seems 
to me that it should be obvious for people working with it ...

thanks alot in advance!

Thomas Bach

think karo... bkaro.net

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