
You can look at my idea of the the new modperl-site design here:

You can get the whole distro to download at:
or just the output at:

Some Notes:

* The first page ("Home") successfully validates at w3.org (HTML and CSS).

* While the design might not be to cool from the designers point of view, I
like it because it is simple, doesn't use HTML-tables, is small and fast
(/very/ little HTML-overhead) and accessible to disabled people.

* The colours could be changed very easily, as they are only defined in

* I tested it with Mozilla, Opera and Lynx on Linux; Netscape 4.something
and IE 6.0 on WinME;
It worked very well on everything exept Netscape (because Netscpae 4's CSS
handling is absolutly horrible!), but it was still usable on Netscape 4 (and
looked OK with CSS turned off).

 D_OMM      +---->  http://domm.zsi.at <-----+
 O_xyderkes |       neu:  Arbeitsplatz       |   
 M_echanen  | http://domm.zsi.at/d/d162.html |
 M_asteuei  +--------------------------------+

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