On 9 Oct 2001, at 11:26, Vivek Khera wrote:

> >>>>> "RLS" == Randal L Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> RLS> The rewrite will be Template-Toolkit based, so the "backend
> logic" RLS> will figure out the interesting bits to display, while the
> "frontend RLS> logic" will be a template contained at the end of the
> program, RLS> allowing fine tweaking easily.
> I wrote up a TT program back in May when my second baby girl was born
> to put together a collection of images.  It generates static HTML
> pages with captions and scaled images (thumbnails too).  I think Stas
> added a bunch of features to it.  I haven't gotten around to merging
> them back into my code and putting it on CPAN.  I see no point making
> it all dynamic on the web server, since they rarely change.

Hey, I've got an image gallery using mod_perl as well :), still much 
in development.  No html in the code, it is all written with 
HTML::Template of which I'm a big fan although the only designer I 
know who understood HTML::Template is now using TT :(



"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go
                -- Philip K. Dick

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