On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Chris Brooks wrote:

> I have released version 0.02 of HTTP::TestEngine to sourceforge.
> TestEngine acts as an http session "recorder".  After setting a cookie,
> a user can "record" a session by simply clicking links in their browser:
> filenames, paths and parameters are written to the filesystem for recall
> in the future.  Session data is stored in test harness-independent
> format, and a second module, HTTP::SessionConfig is responsible for
> converting the session data into a data structure that is appropriate
> for play-back.  HTTP::Monkeywrench is currently supported, with plans
> for HTTP::WebTest support in the future.

This is funny.  I was working on something very similar recently.  It was
designed to be able to work with both vanilla CGI and mod_perl (via
Apache::Filter).  It's more cross-platform that your current code and also
records a lot more info.  Maybe we can work together to integrate our
code.  We can probably talk more off the list.


we await the New Sun

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