> > Ditto here. Working quite well on fairly high volume servers.
> Hrmm how interesting.  My Apache is built with PHP (with DOM, MySQL, and
> Postgres) and mod_perl.  With mod_gzip enabled it simply segfaults on
> every single request.

have you looked at the work at http://www.apachetoolbox.com/ ?
This guy has an automated system for choosing what modules/packages to
install, then download/extract/patch/compile/install automatically.

He seems to be able to get ssl, php, gzip, and mod_perl all working at the
same time.

That might not be what you need, but if perhaps you were to review how he
handled gzip/php/etc, you might see what obscure flag or switch might be
affecting things poorly.

Good luck!


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

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