Yes, just add a 'Port 80' line to your VirtualHost section.

While many folks assume that this directive is for telling apache
which port to listen on (it's not -- the Listen directive does
that...), it's actually a setting that instructs Apache to use the
named port in any generated urls.  (At least, that's my
understanding of it, and it appears to work like that for me...)

UseCanonical tells apache to always use the canonical ("ServerName")
setting in generated urls -- that allows you to have a ServerAlias
for something like '', and have generated urls redirect to to

So, if you virtual host was something like:

  Port 80

Then (assuming your bigip sends requests for to generated urls will be to
'' (I think the ':80' is dropped as the
default port...)


On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Robert Landrum wrote:

> I'm trying to do something really simple and trying to avoid writing
> an Modperl handler to do it.
> We have a website behind a bigip running on port 8080.  When someone
> requests a URL that doesn't end with a slash, it's redirected to
> http://host:8080/path/ .  I tried turning off UseCononicalName, but
> it didn't have any effect.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Rob
> --
> When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When
> I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.

Steve Reppucci                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software                 |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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