> I'm not sure that lynx can handle compressed response on the fly -
> it uses gzip in pipe.
> The best way to test it using netcat.

Well, lynx didn't decompress it, it just output the gzip compressed content to stdout. 
As I didn't have netcat readily available on the machine, I instead put an strace on 
lynx, to be absolutely sure, that it didn't receive any output until the very end - 
and it didn't :-(

> I you like to test I can make patch for mod_deflate to flush Apache.
> But if major browsers can not handle compressed content on the fly
> it's not valuable.

That would be an interesting patch, but with approx 450KB of uncompressed HTML, I 
would expect mod_deflate to receive compressible input, regardless if the content 
producer specifically flushes or not. But I might have misunderstood something.

Regarding the browsers ability to handle compressed content on the fly, we probably 
won't know until I find a module that is able to produce such output.

Nicholas Oxhøj

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