On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Kee Hinckley wrote:
> At 2:27 PM -0500 3/23/02, Geoffrey Young wrote:
>>you might be interested in Joshua Chamas' ongoing benchmark project:
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]">http://mathforum.org/epigone/modperl/sercrerdprou/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>he has the results from a benchmark of Apache::Registry and plain 
>>handlers, as well as comparisons between HTML::Mason, Embperl, and 
>>other templating engines.
> Although there are lots of qualifiers on those benchmarks, I consider 
> them rather dangerous anyway.  They are "Hello World" benchmarks, in 
> which startup time completely dominates the time. The things that 

That explains why Embperl did so poorly compared to PHP, yet when we
replaced our PHP pages with Embperl, our benchmarks using real user
queries, sending the same queries through the old and new pages, the new
pages showed a 50% performance boost.

Note: that gain was enough to saturate our test network.  Our purpose
for the benchmark was to determine if it was an improvement or not, not
to determine the exact improvement, so we don't really know what the
real gain was.  The same machines do several other tasks, and our
monitoring at the time of change was not very sophisticated, so we only
really know it was a big win.  Something on the order of 37 load issues
the week before the change, most of which were fairly obviously web
overload, and two the week after (those two being very obviously
associated with other services the boxes are running.)


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