Kee Hinckley wrote:
> At 2:27 PM -0500 3/23/02, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> >
> >you might be interested in Joshua Chamas' ongoing benchmark project:
> >
> >
> >
> >he has the results from a benchmark of Apache::Registry and plain
> >handlers, as well as comparisons between HTML::Mason, Embperl, and
> >other templating engines.
> Although there are lots of qualifiers on those benchmarks, I consider
> them rather dangerous anyway.  They are "Hello World" benchmarks, in
> which startup time completely dominates the time. The things that
> distinguish more sophisticated solutions from basic CGI or even
> modules are elements such as caching, pre-compiling and other
> techniques directly aimed at improving real-world performance.  Hello
> World isn't going to show those at all.

The mathforum link above points to more recent results which includes
an h2000 test which is a more complex 3K+ script producing 20K+ in output.
You will see in those results Embperl getting near the same performance
as PHP. 

I would agree, the normal "hello world" test does not go far to measure
the runtime characteristics of web application environment.  To this
end I would like to do things like database benchmarks scripts too for
the various environments, but it will be a long time in coming as it
is a lot of work to set up these tests.  You can get the latest 
benchmarks at

The results posted at are older which were
compiled from various system from various people at various times,
and have not been updated in quite some time (my bad). The downloadable 
benchmarks are ones that you can run yourself which generally 
produces the most relevant results.

Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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