Ged Haywood wrote:
> I'd suggest setting MaxRequestsPerChild to a low value (I generally
> use something in the range of 50-100 but Perrin will tell you that's
> *very* low... :) to avoid leak problems.

A setting of 0 is fine, as long as you are using Apache::SizeLimit or 
Apache::GTopLimit.  In fact, that's the best way to do it, since it 
gives your child processes the longest possible lifespan while 
preventing them from getting too big.

As for the source of the original problem, it is probably a bug in the 
local code.  You should check to make sure all of your filehandles are 
being closed.  The other suspicious-sounding module is 
Apache::Lock::File.  You can check it by replacing it with NullLocker 
and watching to see if the problem disappears.

- Perrin

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