> I'm not sure I follow your session id problem.  When I check a session, I ask 
> the client for it's ID, then look the session up by ID.  To 'expire' the 
> session, I simply delete it from the session store (File or Postgres).

The confusion is you aren't using sessions in the authentication sense 
of the word.  You say you look up the session by ID...but how do you 
know the ID?  Because they previously authenticated.  I'm using sessions 
at the authentication step, via AuthCookie.

Unfortunately, there's some terminology muddling...AuthCookie calls it a 
session when it establishes that a user is a valid user and sets a 
cookie on their browser.  Apache::Session considers a session a series 
of page hits from the same user.  It assumes you've already done 
whatever you need to do to assure that the user is valid.

So to expire a session in the sense of AuthCookie, you have to 
explicitly tell AuthCookie that a particular key is no longer valid, 
because otherwise everything about the AuthCookie cookie looks valid, 
and you'll have 'gphat' logged in validly from two different browsers.

That's completely separate from the Apache::Session session, which has 
nothing on the client side (other than some method for obtaining the 
session id, which could be a cookie, a hidden form field, a munged URL, 
or in my case, the userid obtained from AuthCookie authentication).


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