On Thu, 2 May 2002 20:10:15 +0200
F. Xavier Noria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I am having problems configuring Apache::AuthCookieDBI and am a bit
: lost, since it seems there is something wrong with the secret key
: file I cannot see, I attach below the configuration in case it can
: help. I have checked the permissions of the file (the server runs
: in by box as "fxn"):

The problem, it seems, was that I was setting the variables used by the
module _after_ loading it, as in the example of its manual page:

    PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieDBI
    PerlSetVar BuscaWAPPath /
    PerlSetVar BuscaWAPLoginScript "/cgi/login.pl"

    # These must be set
    PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_DSN "dbi:Oracle:BW_CATALOG"
    PerlSetVar BuscaWAPDBI_SecretKeyFile "/home/fxn/prj/bw/buscawap/etc/auth.key"

Apache::AuthCookieDBI reads its config variables in a BEGIN block. I
inserted a trace there and keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
returned no variable set via PerlSetVar after that PerlModule directive.

So the hash %SECRET_KEYS, initialized there, had no entries.

Moreover, when I tried to access a protected URL as localhost/docs I was
redirected to /cgi/login.pl as configured (as you see, after PerlModule
as well), which confused me. I suppose this is so because the module
sees the variable at runtime, where the config file has been already
fully read.

Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
manual page would need to be modified?

-- fxn

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