On Fri, 03 May 2002 09:09:08 -0400
Fran Fabrizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: >
: >
: >Loading Apache::AuthCookieDBI after setting WhatEverDBI_SecretKeyFile
: >has solved the problem. I am doing something wrong or the example in the
: >manual page would need to be modified?
: >
: That's odd, I load my module first before setting the secret key (or any 
: of the other variables) and it works fine for me.

If the module was loaded when the server sees the "PerlModule" directive
I think this code from Apache::AuthCookieDBI (version 1.18) implies that
variable in particular needs to be set before:

# S E R V E R   S T A R T   I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N

        my @keyfile_vars = grep {
                $_ =~ /DBI_SecretKeyFile$/
        } keys %{ Apache->server->dir_config() };
        foreach my $keyfile_var ( @keyfile_vars ) {
                my $keyfile = Apache->server->dir_config( $keyfile_var );
                my $auth_name = $keyfile_var;
                $auth_name =~ s/DBI_SecretKeyFile$//;
                unless ( open( KEY, "<$keyfile" ) ) {
                        Apache::log_error( "Could not open keyfile for $auth_name in 
file $keyfile" );
                } else {
            Apache::warn("Adding key for realm $auth_name");
                        $SECRET_KEYS{ $auth_name } = <KEY>;
                        close KEY;

Does the server load the module that way?

-- fxn

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