> A) a ridiculously flexible interface that looks sort of like SQL, except
> where it is SQL, except where it's only sort of like SQL, etc.
> B) a ridiculous profusion of classes, methods, or both.
> SQL has its place, and Alzabo merely provides a thin layer on top of it.
> Trying to jam a thick layer of OO-goodness over relational data is asking
> for a mess.  OO has its place, but if your application is primarily about
> the database, I don't think that a heavy OO layer on top of that will do

HI Dave,

        Totally agree.

        My general motto is "tiers eq tears" ... I've never seen
a really comfortable OO/SQL bridge.

        The OO part almost always dumbs down or hobbles the database.

        Group bys, order bys, multi-table selects, locking, SQL query
plans and index optimisation all rightfully belong to the database but are
an anathema to a simple OO/SQL bridge.

        While disks need to seek and spin ... relational databases will
have their place. I sometimes think of a world with unlimited RAM.  It's
here that OO dreams really come true --- vast pools of objects with
hash/array look up speed etc.

        Until that time though ... I personally code with the database
foremost in my mind - and disk seeks a close second - for me the SQL comes
first and so I have no problem with large <<HEREDOCs of SQL in my code.

        Generally I try to minimise the layers/tiers/abstraction between
the front-end and the database - for me OO/SQL abstraction is something
akin to 'GOTO considered harmful'.


Nigel Hamilton
Turbo10 Metasearch Engine

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