> This approach works for some things, but I think it falls down when it
> comes to doing complex database searches, particularly searches
> ad-hoc on multiple columns in multiple tables.

In general, the user interface you provide for a search will be much
higher-level than the SQL that implements it.  That's what is gained by
making this kind of object: it's a place to put the translation of the
business concept "find people in New Jersey" into the four table join
that might be needed to find them.

> This is why Alzabo is much lower-level than what you have above.  I
> something where I could easily construct queries that might include 1+
> tables, with various types of searches of individual columns in those
> tables (equal to, between, less than, like, etc.) with dynamic sorting
> (again, on any of the columns in any of the tables, ascending or
> descending).

I would just write SQL at that point, but I do realize that Alzabo
provides more database independence.  You could easilly use Alzabo to
build the queries that implement the model objects I'm talking about.

> With what you're proposing, I think you could easily end up with
> A) a ridiculously flexible interface that looks sort of like SQL,
> where it is SQL, except where it's only sort of like SQL, etc.
> B) a ridiculous profusion of classes, methods, or both.

I think you're overestimating the number of search variations and model
objects that most applications have.  For example, Fran's application
generates his "stale watches report".  There's no need to create a
fully-parameterized search interface to Watch objects just for that.
Instead, you make a Watches->find_stale() method or something and keep
the knowledge of what that means to the database hidden behind that API.

At eToys we had a very large and complex (highly normalized) database,
and this approach worked very well.  I think it works best when you have
a complex database requiring complex SQL, because if you just have a
bunch of simple 1-1 table mappings there isn't really much to abstract.

I'm thinking of trying out SPOPS the next time I do this kind of thing,
because it will automatically handle the no-brainer cases (1-1 mappings)
and allow me to write the SQL for the complex cases by hand, all with a
consistent interface and hooks for caching, etc.

> Trying to jam a thick layer of OO-goodness over relational data is
> for a mess.  OO has its place, but if your application is primarily
> the database, I don't think that a heavy OO layer on top of that will
> you much good.

There's nothing "thick" or "heavy" about the way I do it.  There is no
automatic SQL generation, and nothing to prevent me from using any SQL
tricks that my database supports.  It's just a way of wrapping up chunks
of code that implement data-related tasks into an easy task-oriented API
for the controller (or other model objects) to act on.

- Perrin

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