At 17:01 16.06.2002, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > I have been thinking about a reorganization of the Apache/Perl modules
> > a while, and have come to the conclusion that it would probably be a
> > idea. Please tell me what you think about this proposal.
>Sounds fine to me.  I would suggest creating a brief document with
>naming guidelines that people can be referred to.
>Also, a module map might be a good thing to create, i.e. an improved
>version of this:

Well, because the module list has now moved into the Perl Module List 
entirely, we are removing it with the new site. However, I have created a 
new document which takes over that task somewhat, here: . That's where 
I was thinking to have the guidelines. As for the organization of the 
module list, I suppose that new modules that adapt these guidelines will be 
correctly organized into the Perl module list (because of their different 

Per Einar Ellefsen

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