[when suggesting things please give people some time to respond, 
especially given the crazy traffic at this list lately. I just had a 
chance to read this thread.]

I'm -1 on renaming. Here is why:

- Not all modules fit into suggested categories, some modules belong to 
several ones.

- We definitely don't want the hell to break loose by pushing the 
authors to rename their modules. Think of all the documents which aren't 
under our control which refer to these module names! Books and articles 
to start with.

- This is also doesn't help with the move to 2.0, because many modules 
will work with both versions without changes, or with some internal 
changes transparent to users. It doesn't force authors to rename their 
modules. And with the Apache2/ dir trick, there is no reason for doing 
that at all.

It'd be great though to have guidelines for developing Apache:: modules 
and their name conventions. There feel free to suggest a better 

And I'm -1 on maintaining a separate catalog. Here is why:

CPAN is already categorizing Apache:: modules.
http://www.cpan.org/modules/00modlist.long.html#ID15_WorldWideW (just 
scroll down till you get to Apache::)
all we need is to add #Apache and the problem solved. We have already 
tried to maintain apache-modlist.html, which just didn't work, the file 
was neglected and many new modules aren't there. Whereas they are in the 
CPAN listing. May be instead of potentially wasting efforts here, the 
effort should go to help improve 00modlist.long.html, so both Apache and 
other Perl categories will benefit from this. I'm quite sure that 
Andreas and folks who bring you CPAN will be glad to get any help in 
this direction. Andreas please correct me if I'm wrong.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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