
I am still working on building a framework, design plan for this busy site I
am working on. It is a total revamp so I have the chance to do things "right"

I have been looking into HTML::Template which is a lot simper than Embed
perl or the template tool kit. I am wondering if anyone has experence with
using both of these with Registry.pm  I have decided to make my modules
class modules instead of traditional modules, and thanks to Perrin's great
article, I have a lot more confidence in my basic plan. There are some
differences between our site and etoyz. Our site is not nearly as loaded.
Busy, but not giant. Still, I would like to build something that can get
that big without another total rewrite, moving things around, new hardware
sure, but not a whole change to the system.  Right now things are small
enough that the rewrite will only take a few weeks. 

So I am looking for gotchas, and other problems that could come esp from
CGI::Application because it doesn't make much mention of working under
mod_perl. I think the "modes" could be appealing to the PHP guys in my
office. It could give them something to chear about, since I think right now
they just look at mod_perl as being more work than PHP which is probably
true. I am also sure that the HTML templates will make the boss very happy
because he is always changing HTML in scripts and breaking the scripts, then
calling and saying, hey the form isn't working anymore!  :( 

The big points I want to achieve right now, is to make everything I write
OOP,  separate HTML from code as much as possible, and to not make it
impossible to deal with for the people I work with who don't know as much
perl as I do. 



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"Inquiry is fatal to certainty." -- Will Durant 

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