On Sun, 16 Jun 2002, Eric Frazier wrote:

> I have been looking into HTML::Template which is a lot simper than Embed
> perl or the template tool kit. I am wondering if anyone has experence with
> using both of these with Registry.pm

I do!  Back when I worked for Jesse Erlbaum (the author of
CGI::Application) most of our development was in CGIs designed to be run
under Apache::Registry.  CGI::Application uses CGI.pm for all its CGI
services and CGI.pm works great under Apache::Registry.

> The big points I want to achieve right now, is to make everything I write
> OOP,  separate HTML from code as much as possible, and to not make it
> impossible to deal with for the people I work with who don't know as much
> perl as I do.

That sounds like an excelent goal.  Feel free to drop by the
CGI::Application (and HTML::Template) mailing-list if you run into


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