>At 16:09 25.06.2002, Ganesan M wrote:
>>  My suggestions are:
>>     1. Get rid  of screen driver codes from the existing C programs
>>     2. Use "Inline C" in the mod_perl programs and run it through apache
>>webserver as a web page.
>>But, some of my colleagues are suggesting to write a Java/VC++
>>Interface for the GUI.
>The problem you're looking at is rather different: should you try and
>create a *web frontend* or should you create a normal GUI? Largely
>depending on the nature of your application, the answers will be different.
>I can't say much more without knowing more about what you're trying to do:
>but to me it seems like if you need GD to do the job, you should probably
>be looking at a standard GUI instead. This needn't be done in Java or VC++,
>you could use any programming language with a windowing library, like Perl
>with Tk (or Gtk or Qt bindings, but I don't know much about any of those)
>or anything else.

Please correct me if this is wrong.

  What is the big difference between "web frontend" and a "normal GUI"?
you do everything in the "web frontnend" that you do in "normal GUI"?


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