Fran Fabrizio writes:
> - Real-time data updates.  HTTP is stateless: it serves up the page then 
> closes the connection.   Any updating involves a round-trip back to the 
> server.  In traditional GUI, you just hold a db connection and repaint 
> the areas that are updated.

Solved with refresh?  JavaScript and Java can also help here.
For interactivity, check out:

> - State maintenance.  Since it is stateless, you have to jump through a 
> lot of hoops to realize that two requests are coming from the same 
> person, since they could be handled by two different child processes or 
> even two different servers.  This has all sorts of ramifications on user 
> login, user preferences, where the user was in the application, etc... 
> you have to do a lot of work on the server side to realize that it's the 
> same client that keeps talking to you.

Cookies work fine.

> - Fancy interface widgets/layouts.  HTML/CSS/JavaScript/DHTML can only 
> get you so far.  If you need fancy menu types, forms, layouts, etc... it 
> quickly becomes tedious/impossible on the web.

Tedious is questionable.  Impossible, I seriously doubt.  Remember,
you can always delegate part of your screen to a Java applet, although
I strongly recommend you avoid this.

> This is just the tip of the iceberg.  

Let's talk about the positives:

+ You update the server and instantly all clients are up-to-date.

+ You can detect incorrect usage, bugs, etc. by parsing a single log
  file, in real-time

+ The system is immune to operate system upgrades.  And "DLL hell" on
  Windows boxes.

+ You access the system from anywhere reliably and securely.  You
  don't have to open up a database connection to anybody but the Web

+ There is only one version of the software.

+ Support people can view the output sent to the client exactly as
  the client received it.  Including following a series of actions.

+ The use of a Web browser is familiar to most users.

+ The user can keep multiple views of the pages she wants, not what the
  application decides to offer.

+ Bookmarks allow users to structure their view of the application.
  Advanced users can create new organizations (short cut pages) for
  themselves and their co-users.

+ Users can share information easily (send page by email, mail
  bookmarks, print page, save to disk, save picture, etc.)

I'm sure others will add to the list.


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