Ron Savage wrote:

>On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 12:22:15 -0400, Fran Fabrizio wrote:
>>from first-hand experience, hell my current project has both of
>>things in a web interface, and neither were trivial.  I crafted an
>>expandable-tree menu (think Windows Explorer style menu) from HTML,
>>JavaScript and HTML::Template.  I have graphs dynamically generated
>Did you consider using my module CGI::Explorer?
I wasn't aware of it's existence.  I just now downloaded it and played 
with the demo.  Unfortunately, it looks like it might not have helped in 
my case.  It appears that it is doing a round trip to the server and 
back on every open/close of a node.  That's exactly what I had to avoid. 
 Our tree has > 1000 elements (and growing) pulled dynamically out of a 
database.  In a multi-user environment we don't want to be hitting the 
server that hard just for a navigational menu for every click of every 
user.  We serve up the entire tree when the user logs in, and all of the 
state maintenance is handled client-side in terms of what's been opened, 
etc...  we never go back to the server unless the user has requested a 
refresh of the tree.  I could be wrong in how your module operates, 
that's just from a 3 minute session with the demo.  It's good that 
you've made this available though, most people will have more reasonably 
sized and constructed trees than we do and should find that module 
useful. :-)


PS - May want to take a look at it on Mozilla.  There seemed to be 
slight table layout issues on my Mozilla 1.0 (yeah, I need to upgrade 
:-) that caused the graphics to slightly misalign.

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