From: "Ged Haywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all,
> On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Owen Scott Medd wrote:
> > > How do you run 'C' code from Apache/mod_perl?
> >
> > Using the perl XS interface usually... that's how we access our text
> > analysis routines which are in C.
> Or use if you don't want to get too deeply into it.
> Or put your compiled code in the cgi-bin directory if you really can't
> be bothered at all, but that's nasty.
> Ged.

Ged must be kidding about throwing C binaries in CGI-BIN directory.
Anyway, I am trying to use some C programs in CGI-PERL/mod_perl/Apache.
I have tried Inline C.   I am not able to get the pointer working under
Inline C.

Owen, if you could give me any  location/documentation/tutorial  for how to
perlXS interface efficiently to access C progs, that will be great.

Here is my code.  Any help will be appreciated.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Inline C  => DATA =>
            INC=>'-I/path/to//h -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include',


print("Test from Perl program");



#include "myhfile.h"
void myfunction()
print("Test from C program");
  if (my->pointer_status != 'y')
    printf("My message here");

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