just upgraded from 1.3.22/mod_perl 1.26 to 1.3.26/1.27 and while all
the other stuff is working fine my daemon does not recognize the
<Perl>-directive anymore !?

test in httpsd.conf:

 my $test="hans";

# /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsdctl start
Syntax error on line 105 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command '<Perl>', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in 
the server configuration
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpsdctl start: httpsd could not be started

If I remove all <Perl>-Directives all is working
fine. mod_perl-environment-variable is set and all other directives
related to mod_perl are recognized, like PerlModule or "PerlHandler Apache::Registry".

what is going on ?!


ps: stuff is running on linux on a 2.4.x-kernel.

mag. peter pilsl
tel: +43-699-1-3574035
fax: +43-699-4-3574035

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