Martin Moss wrote:
> All,
> can anybody provide any help with this problem  - and maybe explain why 
> I get the following anomoly?


> mod_perl_push_handlers: Not a subroutine name or CODE reference! at 
> /usr/local/lib/perl//MyMod/Apache/ line 101.

I really can't follow what you're doing here, but the above error is 
pretty clear: the second argument to push_handlers() isn't in the 
correct format.

I would try a few simple debug statements using Data::Dumper or 
something (and probably not print() since it has that funny 
dereferencing feature) to see what's in the variable so you're 
completely sure.  maybe you're holding a reference to the string and 
not the string itself.

you could also try using


in your httpd.conf to find out what mod_perl sees under the hood 
(assuming you have a debug perl and built mod_perl with PERL_TRACE=1)

> Anyway, Answers on a Postcard please:-)

if you're still having problems, if you could reduce the scenario to a 
simple test case we can try, that would help.


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