
Could be bad hardware.  Search google for Signal 11.

Probably your memory (usual cause I've seen).

good luck.


On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 09:46:16AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry for the repost, but no responses so far, and I need some help with 
> this one.
> I've managed to get a couple of backtraces on a segfault problem we've
> been having for months now. The segfaults occur pretty rarely on the
> whole, but once a client triggers one on a particular page, they do not
> stop. The length and content of the request are key in making the
> segfaults happen. Modifying the cookie or adding characters to the
> request line causes the segfaults to stop.
> example (word wrapped):
> This request will produce a segfault (backtrace in attached gdb1.txt)
> and about 1/3 of the expected page :
> nc 84
> GET /perl/section/entcmpt/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3; Linux 2.4.18-5)
> Pragma: no-cache
> Cache-control: no-cache
> Accept: text/*, image/jpeg, image/png, image/*, */*
> Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, gzip, identity
> Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
> Accept-Language: en
> Host:
> Cookie:
> Apache=
> Adding a bunch of zeroes to the URI (which does not change the code
> functionality) causes the page to work correctly:
> nc 84
> /perl/section/entcmpt/?00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 
> HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3; Linux 2.4.18-5)
> Pragma: no-cache
> Cache-control: no-cache
> Accept: text/*, image/jpeg, image/png, image/*, */*
> Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, gzip, identity
> Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
> Accept-Language: en
> Host:
> Cookie:
> Apache=
> Some info:
> /usr/apache-perl/bin/httpd -l
> Compiled-in modules:
>    http_core.c
>    mod_env.c
>    mod_log_config.c
>    mod_mime.c
>    mod_negotiation.c
>    mod_status.c
>    mod_include.c
>    mod_autoindex.c
>    mod_dir.c
>    mod_cgi.c
>    mod_asis.c
>    mod_imap.c
>    mod_actions.c
>    mod_userdir.c
>    mod_alias.c
>    mod_access.c
>    mod_auth.c
>    mod_so.c
>    mod_setenvif.c
>    mod_php4.c
>    mod_perl.c
> Please forgive any obvious missing info (i'm not a c programmer). The
> first backtrace shows the segfault happening in mod_perl_sent_header(),
> and the second shows it happening in  the ap_make_array() which was from
> Apache::Cookie. I don't have one handy now, but I've also seen it happen
> in ap_soft_timeout() after an XS_Apache_print (r->server was out of bounds).
> I've added a third backtrace where r->content_encoding contains the
> above 'mxstsn' cookie name.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -- 
> --
> Daniel Bohling
> NewsFactor Network

> [root@proxy dumps]# gdb  /usr/apache-perl/bin/httpd core.12510
> GNU gdb Red Hat Linux (5.2-2)
> Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
> welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
> Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
> There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
> This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux"...
> Core was generated by `/usr/apache-perl/bin/httpd'.
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> Reading symbols from /lib/libpam.so.0...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libpam.so.0
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.10...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.10
> Reading symbols from /lib/libcrypt.so.1...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libcrypt.so.1
> Reading symbols from /lib/libresolv.so.2...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libresolv.so.2
> Reading symbols from /lib/i686/libm.so.6...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/i686/libm.so.6
> Reading symbols from /lib/libdl.so.2...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libdl.so.2
> Reading symbols from /lib/libnsl.so.1...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libnsl.so.1
> Reading symbols from /lib/i686/libc.so.6...bdone.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/i686/libc.so.6
> Reading symbols from /lib/libutil.so.1...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libutil.so.1
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libz.so.1...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libz.so.1
> Reading symbols from /lib/ld-linux.so.2...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/ld-linux.so.2
> Reading symbols from /lib/libnss_files.so.2...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libnss_files.so.2
> Reading symbols from 
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Socket/Socket.so...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Socket/Socket.so
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/IO/IO.so...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/IO/IO.so
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Opcode/Opcode.so...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Opcode/Opcode.so
> Reading symbols from 
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Digest/MD5/MD5.so
> Reading symbols from 
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/auto/DBI/DBI.so
> Reading symbols from 
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/auto/DBD/mysql/mysql.so
> tReading symbols from 
> Loaded symbols for 
> Reading symbols from 
> Loaded symbols for 
> Reading symbols from /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/B/B.so...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/B/B.so
> Reading symbols from 
> Loaded symbols for 
> Reading symbols from /lib/libnss_nis.so.2...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libnss_nis.so.2
> Reading symbols from /lib/libnss_dns.so.2...done.
> Loaded symbols for /lib/libnss_dns.so.2
> Reading symbols from /usr/apache-perl/libexec/mod_usertrack.so...done.
> Loaded symbols for /usr/apache-perl/libexec/mod_usertrack.so
> #0  0x0811cc59 in mod_perl_sent_header (r=0x8814724, val=0) at mod_perl.c:825
> 825         dPPDIR;
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x0811cc59 in mod_perl_sent_header (r=0x8814724, val=0) at mod_perl.c:825
> #1  0x0812a585 in XS_Apache_print (cv=0x846d678) at Apache.c:1738
> #2  0x081a121c in Perl_pp_entersub ()
> #3  0x0819b668 in Perl_runops_standard ()
> #4  0x0815ad84 in S_call_body ()
> #5  0x0815a951 in perl_call_sv ()
> #6  0x0819c5b6 in Perl_pp_print ()
> #7  0x0819b668 in Perl_runops_standard ()
> #8  0x0815ad84 in S_call_body ()
> #9  0x0815ab61 in perl_call_sv ()
> #10 0x0811f466 in perl_call_handler (sv=0x8635d68, r=0x873d53c, args=0x0) at 
> #11 0x0811ebd3 in perl_run_stacked_handlers (hook=0x8211a19 "PerlHandler", 
>r=0x873d53c, handlers=0x8635d44) at mod_perl.c:1371
> #12 0x0811ce49 in perl_handler (r=0x873d53c) at mod_perl.c:897
> #13 0x0813bdd1 in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x873d53c) at http_config.c:517
> #14 0x0814cdac in process_request_internal (r=0x873d53c) at http_request.c:1308
> #15 0x0814ce2e in ap_process_request (r=0x873d53c) at http_request.c:1324
> #16 0x08145934 in child_main (child_num_arg=7) at http_main.c:4595
> #17 0x08145b57 in make_child (s=0x8263c04, slot=7, now=1033666070) at 
> #18 0x08145e89 in perform_idle_server_maintenance () at http_main.c:4947
> #19 0x081463b5 in standalone_main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffb14) at http_main.c:5184
> #20 0x081469a8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffb14) at http_main.c:5448
> #21 0x400ea507 in init (argc=135554608, argv=0x1, envp=0xbffffb14) at 
> (gdb) info locals
> r = (request_rec *) 0x8814724
> val = 0
> cld = (perl_dir_config *) 0x14
> (gdb) print *r
> $1 = {pool = 0x6f697463, connection = 0x879006e, server = 0x7265702f, next = 0x2f6c, 
>prev = 0x7473786d, main = 0x8006e73,
>   the_request = 0x33333031 <Address 0x33333031 out of bounds>, assbackwards = 
>808859190, proxyreq = 825898550, header_only = 859256121,
>   protocol = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, proto_num = 825112887,
>   hostname = 0x32373539 <Address 0x32373539 out of bounds>, request_time = 892940590,
>   status_line = 0x312e3437 <Address 0x312e3437 out of bounds>, status = 926364985,
>   method = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, method_number = 825110584, 
>allowed = 909587769, sent_bodyct = 892940590,
>   bytes_sent = 825112629, mtime = 808858937, chunked = 892940590, byterange = 
>   boundary = 0x37353539 <Address 0x37353539 out of bounds>, range = 0x3539312e 
><Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, clength = 825112374,
>   remaining = 909522233, read_length = 892940590, read_body = 825112630, 
>read_chunked = 875836729, expecting_100 = 892940590,
>   headers_in = 0x312e3335, headers_out = 0x35343539, err_headers_out = 0x3539312e, 
>subprocess_env = 0x312e3135, notes = 0x34353539,
>   content_type = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, handler = 0x312e3634 
><Address 0x312e3634 out of bounds>,
>   content_encoding = 0x38343539 <Address 0x38343539 out of bounds>, content_language 
>= 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>,
>   content_languages = 0x312e3734, vlist_validator = 0x32333539 <Address 0x32333539 
>out of bounds>, no_cache = 892940590,
>   no_local_copy = 825111859, unparsed_uri = 0x33333539 <Address 0x33333539 out of 
>   uri = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, filename = 0x312e3833 
><Address 0x312e3833 out of bounds>,
>   path_info = 0x34333539 <Address 0x34333539 out of bounds>, args = 0x303a <Address 
>0x303a out of bounds>, finfo = {
>     st_dev = 3474023768978042929, __pad1 = 13878, st_ino = 859256121, st_mode = 
>892940590, st_nlink = 825112887, st_uid = 842478905,
>     st_gid = 892940590, st_rdev = 3978707315559642167, __pad2 = 12590, st_size = 
>825110584, st_blksize = 909587769,
>     st_blocks = 892940590, st_atime = 825112629, __unused1 = 808858937, st_mtime = 
>892940590, __unused2 = 825112885,
>     st_ctime = 926233913, __unused3 = 892940590, __unused4 = 825112374, __unused5 = 
>909522233}, parsed_uri = {
>     scheme = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, hostinfo = 0x312e3836 
><Address 0x312e3836 out of bounds>,
>     user = 0x34343539 <Address 0x34343539 out of bounds>, password = 0x3539312e 
><Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>,
>     hostname = 0x312e3335 <Address 0x312e3335 out of bounds>, port_str = 0x35343539 
><Address 0x35343539 out of bounds>,
>     path = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, query = 0x312e3135 
><Address 0x312e3135 out of bounds>,
>     fragment = 0x34353539 <Address 0x34353539 out of bounds>, hostent = 0x3539312e, 
>port = 13876, is_initialized = 0, dns_looked_up = 1,
>     dns_resolved = 1}, per_dir_config = 0x38343539, request_config = 0x3539312e, 
>htaccess = 0x312e3734,
>   case_preserved_filename = 0x32333539 <Address 0x32333539 out of bounds>}
> (gdb)
> $2 = {pool = 0x6f697463, connection = 0x879006e, server = 0x7265702f, next = 0x2f6c, 
>prev = 0x7473786d, main = 0x8006e73,
>   the_request = 0x33333031 <Address 0x33333031 out of bounds>, assbackwards = 
>808859190, proxyreq = 825898550, header_only = 859256121,
>   protocol = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, proto_num = 825112887,
>   hostname = 0x32373539 <Address 0x32373539 out of bounds>, request_time = 892940590,
>   status_line = 0x312e3437 <Address 0x312e3437 out of bounds>, status = 926364985,
>   method = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, method_number = 825110584, 
>allowed = 909587769, sent_bodyct = 892940590,
>   bytes_sent = 825112629, mtime = 808858937, chunked = 892940590, byterange = 
>   boundary = 0x37353539 <Address 0x37353539 out of bounds>, range = 0x3539312e 
><Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, clength = 825112374,
>   remaining = 909522233, read_length = 892940590, read_body = 825112630, 
>read_chunked = 875836729, expecting_100 = 892940590,
>   headers_in = 0x312e3335, headers_out = 0x35343539, err_headers_out = 0x3539312e, 
>subprocess_env = 0x312e3135, notes = 0x34353539,
>   content_type = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, handler = 0x312e3634 
><Address 0x312e3634 out of bounds>,
>   content_encoding = 0x38343539 <Address 0x38343539 out of bounds>, content_language 
>= 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>,
>   content_languages = 0x312e3734, vlist_validator = 0x32333539 <Address 0x32333539 
>out of bounds>, no_cache = 892940590,
>   no_local_copy = 825111859, unparsed_uri = 0x33333539 <Address 0x33333539 out of 
>   uri = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, filename = 0x312e3833 
><Address 0x312e3833 out of bounds>,
>   path_info = 0x34333539 <Address 0x34333539 out of bounds>, args = 0x303a <Address 
>0x303a out of bounds>, finfo = {
>     st_dev = 3474023768978042929, __pad1 = 13878, st_ino = 859256121, st_mode = 
>892940590, st_nlink = 825112887, st_uid = 842478905,
>     st_gid = 892940590, st_rdev = 3978707315559642167, __pad2 = 12590, st_size = 
>825110584, st_blksize = 909587769,
>     st_blocks = 892940590, st_atime = 825112629, __unused1 = 808858937, st_mtime = 
>892940590, __unused2 = 825112885,
>     st_ctime = 926233913, __unused3 = 892940590, __unused4 = 825112374, __unused5 = 
>909522233}, parsed_uri = {
>     scheme = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, hostinfo = 0x312e3836 
><Address 0x312e3836 out of bounds>,
>     user = 0x34343539 <Address 0x34343539 out of bounds>, password = 0x3539312e 
><Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>,
>     hostname = 0x312e3335 <Address 0x312e3335 out of bounds>, port_str = 0x35343539 
><Address 0x35343539 out of bounds>,
>     path = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, query = 0x312e3135 
><Address 0x312e3135 out of bounds>,
>     fragment = 0x34353539 <Address 0x34353539 out of bounds>, hostent = 0x3539312e, 
>port = 13876, is_initialized = 0, dns_looked_up = 1,
>     dns_resolved = 1}, per_dir_config = 0x38343539, request_config = 0x3539312e, 
>htaccess = 0x312e3734,
>   case_preserved_filename = 0x32333539 <Address 0x32333539 out of bounds>}
> (gdb)

> (gdb) bt
> #0  ap_palloc (a=0x87adbfc, reqsize=20) at alloc.c:740
> #1  0x08138997 in ap_make_array (p=0x87adbfc, nelts=1, elt_size=4) at alloc.c:1022
> #2  0x402f3cfb in ApacheCookie_new () from 
> #3  0x402f2ac2 in XS_Apache__Cookie_parse () from 
> #4  0x081a122c in Perl_pp_entersub ()
> #5  0x0819b678 in Perl_runops_standard ()
> #6  0x0815ad94 in perl_eval_sv ()
> #7  0x0815ab71 in perl_call_sv ()
> #8  0x0811f476 in perl_call_handler (sv=0x8635ff4, r=0x873baa4, args=0x0) at 
> #9  0x0811ebd3 in perl_run_stacked_handlers (hook=0x8211a19 "PerlHandler", 
>r=0x873baa4, handlers=0x86342ac) at mod_perl.c:1371
> #10 0x0811ce49 in perl_handler (r=0x873baa4) at mod_perl.c:897
> #11 0x0813bdd1 in ap_invoke_handler (r=0x873baa4) at http_config.c:517
> #12 0x0814cdbc in process_request_internal (r=0x873baa4) at http_request.c:1309
> #13 0x0814ce3e in ap_process_request (r=0x873baa4) at http_request.c:1326
> #14 0x08145934 in child_main (child_num_arg=6) at http_main.c:4595
> #15 0x08145b57 in make_child (s=0x8263c04, slot=6, now=1033589630) at 
> #16 0x08145be6 in startup_children (number_to_start=10) at http_main.c:4792
> #17 0x081461ab in standalone_main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffb14) at http_main.c:5100
> #18 0x081469a8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffb14) at http_main.c:5448
> #19 0x400ea507 in init (argc=135554608, argv=0x1, envp=0xbffffb14) at 
> (gdb) frame 0
> #0  ap_palloc (a=0x87adbfc, reqsize=20) at alloc.c:740
> 740         char *first_avail = blok->h.first_avail;
> (gdb) info locals
> a = (struct pool *) 0x87adbfc
> reqsize = 20
> size = 24
> blok = (union block_hdr *) 0x0
> first_avail = 0x0
> new_first_avail = 0x2 <Address 0x2 out of bounds>
> (gdb) print *a
> $1 = {first = 0x87adc24, last = 0x0, cleanups = 0x0, subprocesses = 0x0, sub_pools = 
>0x0, sub_next = 0x0, sub_prev = 0x0,
>   parent = 0x88807ac, free_first_avail = 0x87adc24 "??z\b,;y\b\234?r\b"}
> (gdb) print *blok
> Cannot access memory at address 0x0
> (gdb)

> #0  0x0811cc59 in mod_perl_sent_header (r=0x880ea54, val=0) at mod_perl.c:825
> 825         dPPDIR;
> (gdb) print *r
> $1 = {pool = 0x39312e37, connection = 0x2e373635, server = 0x36353931, next = 
>0x39312e36, prev = 0x2e383635, main = 0x36353931,
>   the_request = 0x39312e35 <Address 0x39312e35 out of bounds>, assbackwards = 
>775173173, proxyreq = 892680497, header_only = 959524403,
>   protocol = 0x2e353435 <Address 0x2e353435 out of bounds>, proto_num = 892680497,
>   hostname = 0x39312e31 <Address 0x39312e31 out of bounds>, request_time = 775173429,
>   status_line = 0x34353931 <Address 0x34353931 out of bounds>, status = 959524406,
>   method = 0x2e383435 <Address 0x2e383435 out of bounds>, method_number = 875903281, 
>allowed = 959524407, sent_bodyct = 775041845,
>   bytes_sent = 859126065, mtime = 959524405, chunked = 775107381, byterange = 
>   boundary = 0x39312e38 <Address 0x39312e38 out of bounds>, range = 0x2e343335 
><Address 0x2e343335 out of bounds>, clength = 875903281,
>   remaining = 959524400, read_length = 775041589, read_body = 842348849, 
>read_chunked = 959524407, expecting_100 = 775172661,
>   headers_in = 0x32353931, headers_out = 0x39312e30, err_headers_out = 0x3a333235, 
>subprocess_env = 0x8800030, notes = 0x7473786d,
>   content_type = 0x8006e73 <Address 0x8006e73 out of bounds>, handler = 0x873d2fc 
>   content_encoding = 0x880eb44 "mxstsn", content_language = 0x880eb0c "??s\b\004", 
>content_languages = 0x0, vlist_validator = 0x0,
>   no_cache = 142666556, no_local_copy = 0, unparsed_uri = 0x880ef74 
>"/adsys/position/59/", uri = 0x873d2d4 "??s\b ?\200\b\f?s\b",
>   filename = 0x4 <Address 0x4 out of bounds>, path_info = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of 
>bounds>, args = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>,
>   finfo = {st_dev = 142666532, __pad1 = 60588, st_ino = 383809, st_mode = 
>1919250479, st_nlink = 1702047596, st_uid = 1869182051,
>     st_gid = 110, st_rdev = 52142822223919, __pad2 = 30829, st_size = 28275, 
>st_blksize = 858992689, st_blocks = 875704374,
>     st_atime = 825897010, __unused1 = 943011129, st_mtime = 892940590, __unused2 = 
>825110582, st_ctime = 959788345,
>     __unused3 = 892940590, __unused4 = 825112373, __unused5 = 926299449}, parsed_uri 
>= {
>     scheme = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, hostinfo = 0x312e3636 
><Address 0x312e3636 out of bounds>,
>     user = 0x38363539 <Address 0x38363539 out of bounds>, password = 0x3539312e 
><Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>,
>     hostname = 0x312e3536 <Address 0x312e3536 out of bounds>, port_str = 0x34343539 
><Address 0x34343539 out of bounds>,
>     path = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, query = 0x312e3335 
><Address 0x312e3335 out of bounds>,
>     fragment = 0x35343539 <Address 0x35343539 out of bounds>, hostent = 0x3539312e, 
>port = 12597, is_initialized = 0, dns_looked_up = 1,
>     dns_resolved = 1}, per_dir_config = 0x34353539, request_config = 0x3539312e, 
>htaccess = 0x312e3634,
>   case_preserved_filename = 0x38343539 <Address 0x38343539 out of bounds>}
> (gdb)
> $2 = {pool = 0x39312e37, connection = 0x2e373635, server = 0x36353931, next = 
>0x39312e36, prev = 0x2e383635, main = 0x36353931,
>   the_request = 0x39312e35 <Address 0x39312e35 out of bounds>, assbackwards = 
>775173173, proxyreq = 892680497, header_only = 959524403,
>   protocol = 0x2e353435 <Address 0x2e353435 out of bounds>, proto_num = 892680497,
>   hostname = 0x39312e31 <Address 0x39312e31 out of bounds>, request_time = 775173429,
>   status_line = 0x34353931 <Address 0x34353931 out of bounds>, status = 959524406,
>   method = 0x2e383435 <Address 0x2e383435 out of bounds>, method_number = 875903281, 
>allowed = 959524407, sent_bodyct = 775041845,
>   bytes_sent = 859126065, mtime = 959524405, chunked = 775107381, byterange = 
>   boundary = 0x39312e38 <Address 0x39312e38 out of bounds>, range = 0x2e343335 
><Address 0x2e343335 out of bounds>, clength = 875903281,
>   remaining = 959524400, read_length = 775041589, read_body = 842348849, 
>read_chunked = 959524407, expecting_100 = 775172661,
>   headers_in = 0x32353931, headers_out = 0x39312e30, err_headers_out = 0x3a333235, 
>subprocess_env = 0x8800030, notes = 0x7473786d,
>   content_type = 0x8006e73 <Address 0x8006e73 out of bounds>, handler = 0x873d2fc 
>   content_encoding = 0x880eb44 "mxstsn", content_language = 0x880eb0c "??s\b\004", 
>content_languages = 0x0, vlist_validator = 0x0,
>   no_cache = 142666556, no_local_copy = 0, unparsed_uri = 0x880ef74 
>"/adsys/position/59/", uri = 0x873d2d4 "??s\b ?\200\b\f?s\b",
>   filename = 0x4 <Address 0x4 out of bounds>, path_info = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of 
>bounds>, args = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>,
>   finfo = {st_dev = 142666532, __pad1 = 60588, st_ino = 383809, st_mode = 
>1919250479, st_nlink = 1702047596, st_uid = 1869182051,
>     st_gid = 110, st_rdev = 52142822223919, __pad2 = 30829, st_size = 28275, 
>st_blksize = 858992689, st_blocks = 875704374,
>     st_atime = 825897010, __unused1 = 943011129, st_mtime = 892940590, __unused2 = 
>825110582, st_ctime = 959788345,
>     __unused3 = 892940590, __unused4 = 825112373, __unused5 = 926299449}, parsed_uri 
>= {
>     scheme = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, hostinfo = 0x312e3636 
><Address 0x312e3636 out of bounds>,
>     user = 0x38363539 <Address 0x38363539 out of bounds>, password = 0x3539312e 
><Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>,
>     hostname = 0x312e3536 <Address 0x312e3536 out of bounds>, port_str = 0x34343539 
><Address 0x34343539 out of bounds>,
>     path = 0x3539312e <Address 0x3539312e out of bounds>, query = 0x312e3335 
><Address 0x312e3335 out of bounds>,
>     fragment = 0x35343539 <Address 0x35343539 out of bounds>, hostent = 0x3539312e, 
>port = 12597, is_initialized = 0, dns_looked_up = 1,
>     dns_resolved = 1}, per_dir_config = 0x34353539, request_config = 0x3539312e, 
>htaccess = 0x312e3634,
>   case_preserved_filename = 0x38343539 <Address 0x38343539 out of bounds>}
> (gdb)

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