Hear hear!

We're using AxKit for our development and everyone has a copy of the
entire site (many thousand files) in their home directories on the
development machine and its been great!  No more "I didn't touch it but
it stopped working" problems :)  It also allows everyone to experiment
with features without messing up what anyone else is working on.

Combine that with a series of perl scripts (also in cvs) which generate
our bulk content (i.e. massive database dumps into xml files), 

Every so often we run a cvs update on our production machine to keep
things in sync (we treat it just like another client).

Go for it...its worth the trouble...especially the first time someone
breaks something and you can determine who and when it was broken.

Brian Wheeler

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 16:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> We felt the same way but once we went to CVS we never 
> looked back and can not imagine going with out source 
> control. It may seem like the web doesnt fit that paradigm 
> but if you break your modules up properly it works like a 
> champ.
> We broke out into 'html','components', 
> 'Libs','external_tools','internal_tools','perlinstall'. 
> This gave us good control over each different area.
> For our development team its more about consistency then 
> versioning. If you go all the way with it like we did you 
> can give each developer a sandbox that they work in and 
> CVS merges for you, it is a huge benefit. Its to the point 
> now where you check out all the modules and run one 
> script. That script builds all the perl dependancies, 
> rebuilds your http daemon, rebuilds the proxies, 
> configures the server for the platform its on based on 
> hostname and installs all the relevant files. 
> Every so often we bundle everything up into a tagged 
> 'Release' and send it on its way to production. This works 
> really well. A case in point was when we did our I18N 
> conversion. We had one version of the code that was being 
> entirely hacked apart to accomodate our changes but we 
> still had to actively support bug fixes on the release. 
> Without CVS[insert favorite source system here] this would 
> have been impossible.
> So, without good CVS things like our I18N effort, our 
> auto-install systems etc would have not been possible or 
> been a LOT more painful. As it was we busted through it in 
> record time.
> John-
> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 21:09:05 +0000
>   Richard Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does anyone in the list use any kind of version control 
> >(e.g. CVS) for the perl/template codebase of their 
> >website?
> >Now that my code base is growing I feel the increasing 
> >need to provide better version/backup control than my 
> >current hourly crontab tar.
> >I don't however feel that the organizational logic of a 
> >websites code base fits well into the CVS paradigm. Am I 
> >being to short sighted in this assumption?
> >Does anyone have any recommended method? I don't use 
> >version numbers at all? Does anyone?
> >
> >Richard.
> >

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