On the use of META REFRESH tags, Chris wrote:
> It is also the only option for the "pause, then redirect" behavior the 
> original poster desired that I can think of.

I also seem to recall reading in the HTTP spec (and in Lincoln's CGI.pm code)
that the use of a Redirect header in response to a POST request was
specifically verboten. But, as was noted, everyone does it anyway and it works.

Weiqi really needs to look at his apache logs, try running his CGI from
the command line to see the exact output the browser sees. Of course,
he'll have to manually perform the redirect.... :=)

Use the lwp-request tools (GET and POST) to get live interaction with the
webserver in question if running the CGI is not possible.

Also, NPH is only implemented in the NS browsers, and was a way for a webserver
to send multiple documents "inline" down to a browser, and was an ancient way
to write status pages and such that "automagically" refreshed themselves.
It was originally used as a primitive way to "animate" images. IE will display
these pages as a single never-ending document separated by the headers.

If you're running a long-running CGI and need the browser to keep
the connection alive, you need to periodically (<2 minutes for IE, but is 
browser specific) send something to the browser - like a "waiting ...." page
that dribbles out whitespace until the document is ready. There are more
complicated ways to do this as well, and that technique is "dated" to modern
web users.

In any case, I don't think the issue is a mod_perl one, but rather a
CGI.pm one.

BTW, Weiqi - there is a stlouis.pm perlmongers list.



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