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Hi Martin,

On Friday, February 14, 2003 at 2:24:49 PM, you wrote:
MM> I was wondering if it is possible to Create a Handler that points a user at a page 
with an animated gif saying something like "Please wait", and then when my other 
handlers have finished display
MM> the page results I want from my mod perl handlers.
MM> I guess in a nutshell I'm wondering if there is a way to send HTML headers to a 
browser which tells it to scrap the html it has already received and display the new 
HTML I am passing it.
MM> If this isn't possible, can somebody point me in the direction of a 'please wait' 
mechanism that is possible - Is there one?

I don't know about the handlers, but I've never read of an
HTTP header to do as you ask.

What I do, good or not I don't know, is send the Please Wait message
as a load of HTML 'div' elements with their 'display' CSS attribute
set to 'hidden'. As my program works, it sends at regular intervals
little bits of JavaScript to tell the client to display another DIV.
This has the effect of a progress bar incrementing. When I do not
know how much I have to do, I have the progress bar reverse itself
once full.

When the program is ready to move on, it sends some JS to redirect
the client to the next URI.

I've found that animated GIFs don't work in this situation since
the IE client I work with needs to get the whole document before it
will look for elements linked to from that document - including
images and stylesheets.

Hope this helps.
- --
 Lee                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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