I'm having a problem since installing Apache::Session

All works well except when there is any kind of problem in the script where
the condition will die..

For example:
$db->execute() or die...
open yadda or die..
$db->prepare() or die...

When this happens everything to do with that script is unresponsive - I know
that is a little vague but that is the best way I can describe it. What
happens is the error comes up (standard server error) and that is the last
thing that is logged, if you try to go back and refresh the hourglass will
go for hours and nothing happens and nothing is ever logged - if you close
all windows and try again then the same thing just happens, it goes forever
and nothing happens or is logged.

It doesn't seem to matter where the die is, if I'm using another module (for
example) HTML::Template and it dies on bad params because I didn't define
something some temple var then that is it.. I can't get to that script again
until I reload Apache.

This only happens when I'm using Apache::Session::MySQL and I'm not doing
anything strange with it, I grab the cookie if its there and authenticate
them. There is nothing I'm doing in the session that relates to the errors
so I don't understand why everything just dies as it does.

This happens on my RH7.3/1.3 install and on my RH8/2.0 install.

One other thing I should mention, when this happens it only kills the script
in that specific location that is defined in the httpd.conf, in otherword
something running in /cgi-bin1/ has died and crashed, I can't get to it or
do anything with it - during this time everything running in /cgi-bin2/ is
running along just fine without a issue (although what is in /cgi-bin2/
isn't using Apache::Session but it is using the same mySql DB).

Any ideas?


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