Sreeji K Das wrote:
That's cool & is yet another example of the power of
mod_perl. And you're right about the documentation. I
was blown away by the amount of docs. available at; thanks to all the hard work of Stas
Beckman !!


We had been using mod_perl & had been having a very
stable site for quite a long time.

Now we're planning to shift to mod_perl-2. I could get
everything compiled, but mp2 bombed while parsing our
config. files. I've reported this bug (search for
PerlSection + recurse/recursive) and hopefully some1
is working on it ;-) Anyway, I plan to spend my
weekends reading mod_perl code and see if I can fix
this issue.

Once Philippe releases mod_perl 1.28 he will get back to work on this issue. We had some discussion on this issue on the dev list. And Philippe has proposed several solutions to this problem. So 1.99_10 should have this fixed.

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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