Hey all,

        I'm having some trouble with mod_perl and mysql on Win32 and Apache2 (used 
the all-in-one package to install). 

        Our app stores the user's session data into mysql with Apache::Session, 
with the session id stored as a cookie. Standard stuff... When we're testing
it with our browsers, it seems to run fine. We immediately run into problems
when we test it under load with flood. Right away the server become 
unresponsive to our browsers, and the apache server goes so far as to restart

        I've pasted some of the errors from the logs, below.

        Has anyone seen behavior like this before?      

[Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry: Storable binary image v3.3 
more recent than I am (v2.6) at blib\lib\Storable.pm (autosplit into 
blib\lib\auto\Storable\thaw.al) line 358, at 
C:/services/Perl/site/lib/Apache/Session/Serialize/Storable.pm line 27
[Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry: Object #4618 should
have been retrieved already at blib\lib\Storable.pm (autosplit into 
blib\lib\auto\Storable\thaw.al) line 358, at 
C:/services/Perl/site/lib/Apache/Session/Serialize/Storable.pm line 27
[Wed Jun 11 14:08:04 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry: Object #788994 should have 
been retrieved already at blib\lib\Storable.pm (autosplit into 
blib\lib\auto\Storable\thaw.al) line 358, at 
C:/services/Perl/site/lib/Apache/Session/Serialize/Storable.pm line 27
[Wed Jun 11 14:08:46 2003] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 
3221225477 -- Restarting.
[Wed Jun 11 14:08:51 2003] [notice] Parent: Created child process 4068
[Wed Jun 11 14:08:57 2003] [notice] Child 4068: Child process is running
[Wed Jun 11 14:08:57 2003] [notice] Child 4068: Acquired the start mutex.
[Wed Jun 11 14:08:57 2003] [notice] Child 4068: Starting 200 worker threads.


 Josh Burley

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