On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Joshua Burley wrote:

> Hey all,
>       I'm having some trouble with mod_perl and mysql on Win32
> and Apache2 (used the all-in-one package to install).
>       Our app stores the user's session data into mysql with
> Apache::Session, with the session id stored as a cookie.
> Standard stuff... When we're testing it with our browsers, it
> seems to run fine. We immediately run into problems when we
> test it under load with flood. Right away the server become
> unresponsive to our browsers, and the apache server goes so far
> as to restart itself!
>       I've pasted some of the errors from the logs, below.
>       Has anyone seen behavior like this before?
> [Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry:
> Storable binary image v3.3 more recent than I am (v2.6) at
> blib\lib\Storable.pm (autosplit into
> blib\lib\auto\Storable\thaw.al) line 358, at
> C:/services/Perl/site/lib/Apache/Session/Serialize/Storable.pm
> line 27
> [Wed Jun 11 12:46:32 2003] [error] 3980: ModPerl::Registry:
> Object #4618 should have been retrieved already at
> blib\lib\Storable.pm (autosplit into
> blib\lib\auto\Storable\thaw.al) line 358, at
> C:/services/Perl/site/lib/Apache/Session/Serialize/Storable.pm
> line 27

It might be an idea to address the problem with Storable, to see
if that's ultimately at fault. It sounds like there's a version
conflict there - can you try upgrading Storable
(http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/ has a ppm package). You might
then also try reinstalling Apache-Session (it doesn't require a C
compiler to build) to see if that helps.

best regards,
randy kobes

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