> Because there is no way to create a delimiter that the potential data
doesn't contain, the browser doesn't have the option to choose an arbitrary
delimiter like a comma, or the like.  So (though I can't speak for all
browsers most will do the same) each value is passed with the same key, so
your string ends up like:
> ?queue=lvl1&queue=lvl2&queue=admin&queue=sysad&foo=bar
> This punts the problem to the server side (or whatever does the query string
parsing) so there are multiple ways to handle it, build a complex data
structure that stores an array reference for any multi-valued keys, store the
keys with some known delimiter (aka cgi-lib.pl used to use the null character
\0).  So it depends on your request parser, some provide multiple manners (I
think the standard CGI does). Have a look at the respective docs for how your
parser handles it, unless you are writing a parser...but then why do that with
so many good freely available ones?


So in mod_perl, I would use $r->args{__what__} to get to it?  Heh.

I'll email the mod_perl list..


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