Interestingly, I did get things working with ModPerl::PerlRegistry.

What I couldn't find *anywhere* is that the data I was loading in Template Toolkit was included in the file in the __DATA__ area - which causes mod_perl to fall over!

The only way I managed to find this was the following error in the *system* /var/log/httpd/error_log (didn't show up in the vhost error_log!): readline() on unopened filehandle DATA at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/Template/ line 638.

Took me a LONG time to find a vague post that reading in lines from <DATA> kills mod_perl. Not sure why - but I stripped all the templates out and put them in a file instead and re-wrote that bit of code, and things started working.

I had to fix a few lib path issues, but after getting my head around that, most things seem to work as before - however I don't notice much of an improvement in execution times, I do see this improvement using 'ab -n 100 -c32':

        Apache + ExecCGI: Requests per second:    13.50 [#/sec] (mean)
        Apache + mod_perl: Requests per second:    59.81 [#/sec] (mean)

This is obviously a good thing.

I haven't gotten into the preload or DBI sharing yet - as that'll end up needing a bit of a rewrite of code to take advantage of. I'd be open to suggestions here from those who have done it in the past to save me going down some dead ends :D

Steven Haigh

📧 <>
💻 <>

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 12:49, James Smith <> wrote:
As welsey said – try Registry, that was the standard way of using mod_perl to cache perl in the server – but your problem might be due to the note in PerlRun…

META: document that for now we don't chdir() into the script's dir, because it affects the whole process under threads. ModPerl::PerlRunPrefork <> should be used by those who run only under prefork MPM. {tbh most people don’t use mod perl under threads anyway as there isn’t really a gain from using them}

It suggests you use ModPerl/PerlRunPrefork – as this does an additional step to cd to the script directory – which might be your issue….

*From:*Steven Haigh <>
*Sent:* 07 February 2021 01:00
*Subject:* Moving ExecCGI to mod_perl - performance and custom 'modules' [EXT]

Hi all,

So for many years I've been slack and writing perl scripts to do various things - but never needed more than the normal apache +ExecCGI and Template Toolkit.

One of my sites has become a bit more popular, so I'd like to spend a bit of time on performance. Currently, I'm seeing ~300-400ms of what I believe to be execution time of the script loading, running, and then blatting its output to STDOUT and the browser can go do its thing.

I believe most of the delay would be to do with loading perl, its modules etc etc

I know that the current trend would be to re-write the entire site in a more modern, daemon based solution - and I started down the Mojolicious path - but the amount of re-writing to save 1/3rd of a second seems to be excessive

Would I be correct in thinking that mod_perl would help in this case?

I did try a basic test, but I have a 'use functions' in all my scripts that loads a .pm with some global vars and a lot of common subs - and for whatever reason (can't find anything on Google as to why), none of the subs are recognised in the main script when loaded via ModPerl::PerlRun.

So throwing it out to the list - am I on the right track? wasting my time? or just a simple mistake?


Steven Haigh 📧 <>💻 [] <>

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