are there any reasons I am not aware of not to point SSLSessionCache and
SSLMutex into /tmp, which on my machine (Solaris 2.5.1) is served from
the swap area, so it is quite a bit faster than is a real hard disk?
Concerns about attacks from local users are irrelevant in my case.
These files shouldn't grow too much, should they?

SSLSessionCache dbm:/tmp/ssl_scache
SSLMutex        file:/tmp/ssl_mutex

with such a mount entry:

/tmp on swap read/write on Sa Jan 23 18:25:24 1999

one more, unrelated question: Solaris 2.5.1 seems to lack /dev/random.
Any tips on what files to use as source for randomness, such as
/var/log/maillog, a different virtual hosts' server access log?

Roman Maeder

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)
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