I recently had a problem with a web server mysteriously blocking
sometimes, especially if I would restart it often. As I run somewhat
complex config with mod_perl and other stuff I thought there might be
some compatibility problem, but then I found that it was blocking
on read from /dev/random. I should have known.

As a tip for others: if you seed your random numbers (SSLRandomSeed)
from /dev/random, you risk your server startup and connections
blocking undeterministically when not enough randomness is
available. Just use /dev/urandom and you'll be fine (although you
loose a bit in security).

Actually this problem is more severe on lightly used servers because
idleness provides few sources of randomness.

Perhaps the comments in httpd.conf.default of mod_ssl should clearly
mention the consequences of using /dev/random.

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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