On Fri, May 21, 1999, John Kennedy wrote:

> We have purchased a site certificate from Verisign.  They e-mailed me
> the cert. as one file.  All the questions I have seen answered about
> this mention 2 files needed to set up the certificate.  What is the
> other file I need.  We are using mod_ssl 2.1, Apache 1.3.3, and SSLeay
> 0.9.0b.  I know that I am being stupid about this (I should be able to
> figure it out but for some reason my mind is blocked...).  How do I get
> this cert to work???

The other file is your private key. This should still stay on your local disk,
of course. It isn't known to Versign - only to you -, so they couldn't send it
to you.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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