On Mon, Jul 05, 1999, Hinckel Oliver wrote:

> I want to install the module for the "Sercure Socket Layer". I have an 
> apache www-server and i want to install a module. The php3 module was easy 
> to install as an module. But the module for ssl is realy hard.
> I want to install ssl as an module, but I don't know if that possible!
> I have donwload sources (Apache 1.3.6, Open-SSL and Mod_SSL) and build the 
> binaries. At the end, I had a file named libssl.so; so I copied it in the 
> module-directory of my www-server (/usr/libexec/apache), added the lines in 
> my httpd.conf:
> AddModule ssl_module libex/libssl.so
> LoadModule ssl_module mod_ssl.c
> Now I start my server new (/sbin/init.d/apache stop /sbin/init.d/apache 
> start), and I get the message:
> Segmentation fault.
> I just copied the libssl.so in the modules-directory. I don't update the 
> httpd binary, because I want to use my old server!

This cannot work, because a plain vanilla Apache is too weak for SSL support.
You at least have to build Apache with EAPI as described in the mod_ssl
INSTALL document. 

OTOH a core-dumps shouldn't happen for the plain Apache.  Actually it should
complain that the module is of a different API version and this way
incompatible.  So I don't know why it segfaults, but because you already have
to recompile your httpd because of the above reason I should ignore this for

> If I remove the lines from the httpd.conf everything works (without https).
> Can't I install the SSL as a module? And why I can install it? Could I use 
> the old server-binary?

As said, you cannot use it because you need EAPI - the API extension for
Apache which is required for mod_ssl.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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