I've also recently set up an SSL site, whereby I wanted peiple who
accidentally typed in "http://" URLs to be sent to the https site.
It just needed the following virtual host, in addition to the SSL one.

<VirtualHost host01:80>
    ServerName managed-services.equant-web.net
    Redirect permanent / https://name-of-ssl-site/

Where host01 is the name of the machine, and the SSL site was on
<VirtualHost host01:443>.
The following directives were needed above the VirtualHost clauses.

NameVirtualHost host01:80
NameVirtualHost host02:443

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 3:51 AM
> Subject: Configuration question: SSLRequire(SSL), how to *require* use
> of SSL
> Dear List Members,
> We have successfully installed Apache 1.3.6 with openssl 
> 0.9.3a, and mod_ssl
> 2.3.3-1.3.6.  We are using a httpd.conf file little changed 
> from the one
> created by the installation.  Having experimented, read the 
> mail list archives,
> and read the manual at http://www.modssl.org/, there is still 
> an issue that is
> confusing us.  We would like to set things up in such a way 
> that documents
> can only be accessed via https, and so that if a user 
> references a document
> using http, he/she will be redirected to the same document 
> via https.  It would
> seem that SSLRequire and SSLRequireSSL should allow this, but 
> we can't get
> them to work this way.  I think what we need are some 
> concrete examples of
> their use (the manual really needs examples, not just 
> reference definitions).
> Anyone willing to share some experience?  You can reply 
> directly by email,
> and replies will be summarized and the summary sent back to the list.
> What we've done for the moment is create a top-level 
> index.html file that
> redirects to the actual top-level document, but using a URL 
> with https.
> Since we use only relative URLs within the document, as the 
> user cruises
> around, everything is done using https.  This works, but of 
> course does not
> prevent a user from saving a url and accessing it later using 
> http instead
> of https.
> Thanks in advance for any advice or pointers...
> Cheerio, Rick Rodgers
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
> User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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