On Mon, Jul 19, 1999, Ruetzel, Arnold wrote:

> I wrote my own module which is loaded by Apache at startup time. This module
> has to access the SSL variables in the "URI to filename translation" phase,
> but the variables are not available at this phase. Does anybody know what I
> have to do to make the SSL variables available to me in the "URI to filename
> translation" phase ? Is there a way to make use of mod_ssl's API's to get my
> hands on the SSL variables and how would that be done?

When you looked into mod_rewrite, you would have found:

#ifdef EAPI
                    &result, r, var);

A similar call in your module will give you the results.
> PS: A note for Ralf Engelschall: Do you have any plans to change mod_ssl to
> make the  SSL variables available right from the start, that is before the
> post_read_request or header_parser handlers are being called.  

Hmmm... mod_ssl currently does it in the "correct/intended" phase.  But sure,
it shouldn't harm to provide them earlier. I've to admit that I currently
forgot what the reason was that have not done this already. I'll think about
this again....
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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